Every new player should be introduced to one of the team captains or the Committee Members who will give him/her the rules, the “charte de bonne conduite” and the registration form.
If you are a new player, you have two practice sessions to try and see if you like our basketball practices and to tell us if you want to join one of our teams. If you wish to join a team, you will have to discuss this with one of the team captains who will decide the level and whether is a place on one of the teams.
Each team player must take the course to become an official (scorer/timekeeper). It is obligatory in order to play on one of our teams. We will prepare a calendar and each player will be expected to be an official for a set number of games.
Monday and Wednesday practices are for team members only. Friday practices are open to both team members and non-team members.
Members of ACGBA (women’s league; men’s league)
a) Annual 400.-
b) Students, trainees, unemployed 300.-
Non-league Members – participants attending only Friday practices
Annual 250.-
– Annual fees must be paid before September 7th; for members who join us during the season, contributions must be paid one week before the payment of the licence. Only people who have paid their fees will be entitled to play games. We request a certificate for students and trainees.
– People without a player licence (tourists) are requested to pay their contribution, at the latest, before their third practice. In other words, all new people will not be entitled to attend after their third practice without having paid their membership fees.
– If you want to bring a new player to the club, you are in charge of letting him/her know the rules and responsible for informing them of how to pay their fees.
– Contributions should be paid in one time.
Where to pay?
CCP account: 12-13829-1 Beneficiary: International BBC
IBAN: CH40 0900 0000 1201 3829 1 BIC: POFICHBEXXX